19 January 2013


Our heart have just broken into pieces.
I only want you to know that, I have loved you in these years and I never regret it.
If someday... I had to leave, I'm never really leaving because, I'll stay here. I'm here in your heart.
Please pick up the donald duck doll I bought for you. And just pretend that it's me, because whatever happens, my heart will always belongs to you.
Take care,
I love you with all my heart.

24 August 2012


"Bel, kamu jaga diri disana. Cari temen yang baik."

"Iya. Kamu banyak mata mata loh buat aku! Disana kan banyak anak 42."

"Haha, mata mata? Aku ga butuh."

"Kenapa emang?"

"Buat apa? Aku percaya sama kamu."


"Aku percaya kamu bakal setia, kita bakal baik baik aja. Aku sayang sama kamu 100%."

"That's sweet -hugs-"

"I love you bel"

"I love you too"

Sedih ya? Bagi gue iya. Kerasa banget loh, dulu yang biasanya tiap hari ketemu, tiap hari ada yang jagain, skrg... 
Sekarang ketemu bentar aja bersyukur, setiap detik yang kita lewatin saat ketemu, berharga. Banget.
Segini belum sibuk sama kuliah masing masing, dan masih dalam jarak yang relatif deket. (Cibubur - bogor)
Tapi gimana nanti... I'm gonna miss him so much.

By, I love you. I love you. 
Sekarang hubungan kita lagi diuji dulu yah. Sekarang kita cari ilmu di dua kota yang berbeda, dua lingkungan yang berbeda. Gapai cita cita masing masing, sukses, dan kita bisa nikmatin hasil manisnya sama sama.
Aku tau kita bisa, aku tau kita kuat. 
I won't give up on us. God knows we worth it....
We can through this together.

Lissy. (Your Belu)

26 July 2012


Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Black bird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
all your life
you were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.

Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise,
You were only waiting for this moment to arise,
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

28 May 2012

Pesimistic Girl.

Halo halo! Baru beredar lagi nih di dunia blogspot dan kaget sama semua featurenya yang baru dan kece.
Bingung juga semua udah berubah gini tampilannya... 
Oke jadi, biasa mau numpahin unek unek aja.
Gue itu orangnya pesimis banget. Pesimistic deh pokoknya.
Beda sama kebanyakan temen temen gue yang PD dan cuek soal apa yang pengen mereka capai.
Kebanyakan temen gue tuh bisa yakin kalo mereka bakal ngeraih apa yg mereka mau.
Gue? Hm.
Hal pertama yang akan gue bilang adalah : "Pasti gak bisa deh..."
Kalo gue bisa gue bakal singkirin nih rasa pesimis dan fikiran negatif yg selalu sliweran di otak gue.
Sampe sekarang pun gue masih blm nemuin caranya gimana.
Sifat pesimis tuh kayak tembok besar yang menghambat lo untuk mencapai suatu tujuan.
Karena itu bukan sekedar omongan, tapi fikiran. SUGESTI. Hal yang paling kuat.
Dengan gue bersugesti kalo gue "gak bisa" inilah yang lambat laun juga menghambat usaha gue. Karena gue udah nyerah duluan. 
Si Pesimis inilah yang bikin usaha gue nggak maksimal. Ngerasa gak bisa, gak mampu.
Ada kalanya disaat Dia bener bener hilang, poof gak tau kemana, dan tiba tiba pun gue semangat, optimis pasti bisa dan berusaha lebih keras. Tapi, ya inilah.
My weakness. It never leaves me, like it never TOTALLY POOFED.
It came back, here inside my heads. Pikiran pikiran negatif mulai muncul, sliweran kayak angka-angka di film matrix. "Gak bisa..." "Gak usah mimpi..." "Liat kenyataannya..."
I really, wanted to get rid of it but I still can't figure it out.

Go away, Pesimistic thoughts.

27 March 2012

No longer :-)

Have you guys ever feel like being forgotten? Being underestimated by your own friend?
At first I was keep quiet, pretending like nothing else is happen. But deep inside my heart, it disappointed me. It hurted me. It's getting worse everyday. Now it's like a time-bomb. Maybe it has explode right now, I don't really know. All I know is I'm sick of being like this. Like you-can-do-anything-to-me without being scared of the things you've done could possibly hurt my feelings.

Now I don't care anymore about you. I'll act like I want to. I'll never admit your existence around me.
I'll recognize you as no longer my "friend" HAH.
End of story :-)

29 October 2011

About me

1. I am addicted to your love.
2. I am crazy about you.
3. I can't stop thinking about you.
4. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
5. I don't want to wake up from this wonderful dream with you.
6. I feel safe when I am with you.
7. I love talking to you.
8. I love the way you make me laugh.
9. I thank God for the day He brought you into my life.
10. I want to spend my day with you.
11. I will give anything to be with you.
12. I will rather be broke than trade your love for a million dollars.
13. I will travel a thousand miles to be with you.
14. Loving you feels like heaven.
15. Loving you has made my life sweeter.
16. Loving you has made my life so full of joy and happiness.
17. Nobody will love me the way you love me.
18. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you.

But these words are not enough to express how much I love you, My Baby Belle.

-Your Fayo